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Friday, March 18, 2016

Tetanus vaccine is safe, experts say

Tetanus vaccine is safe, experts say

The controversial tetanus vaccine is still being investigated by a joint team of experts and Kenyans will still have to wait longer for a comprehensive report.
Three samples are due for further tests as the Chairman of the conference of Catholic Bishops Stephen Karanja briefed the press on the progress of investigations on the controversial Tetanus vaccine.
Experts from the Ministry of Health and the Catholic Church said while the preliminary results from a local laboratory showed that some vials contained beta HCG, majority of those tested were negative.
The Catholic Church claimed that the vaccine administered to women contained a birth control matter.
“The total number of vials was 59. Three of the tested vials were found to contain beta human chorionic gonadotrophin (HCG). These three vials were collected from the field during the campaign and submitted as open vials having being previously tested in other laboratories,” said the Dean of the School of Medicine at the University of Nairobi Fred Were, who is a co-chair of the committee.
He also mentioned that all the other 56 vials tested were found to be negative for beta HCG including those with batch numbers corresponding to the three vials that tested positive.
During the March and October 2014 campaign period, nine vials from the Kenya Catholic Bishops Conference (KCCB) were tested and found to contain beta HCG.

However, this raised the question of contamination in the process of collection and storage since the vials were open.
The vaccines were then submitted to two laboratories, one local and another in Germany; the final results are expected next week and will be released to the public.
The committee was formed to look into the matter following the church’s concern that the tetanus toxoid vaccine contained a substance that causes infertility and miscarriages.Therefore, a fresh round of medical tests had to be carried out.
The committee recommended that there be regular checking of vaccines brought into the country.
Nicholas Muraguri, the director of Medical services in Kenya assured the public that they have nothing to fear since the results were a positive indication.
Nonetheless, he said that they would still examine the three vials that were found to contain the substance for further clearing up.

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Health Benefits Of An Affectionate Relationship

Health Benefits Of An Affectionate Relationship-বাংলায় tinseled করে পড়ুন।
by Brewer · DGFPBD- 2016

Even the Beatles sang “All you need is love”.They might have been on to something on being in an affectionate relationship.Lets take a look at the health benefits of being in an affectionate relationship.
We investigate the benefits that accrue a relationship other than what sex offers.
A little love put in your heart encourages healthful behaviours such as quitting smoking,alcohol or keeping fit.
Affectionate relationships with a supportive partner  may contribute to lower reactivity to stressful life events.

It is not just sex that leads to improved well-being, but being in a satisfying relationship overall. People in a close  relationship are more likely to report they were in “excellent” or “very good” health, rather than merely “good” or “poor.”
Acts of intimacy, such as sexual intercourse, holding hands and looking into another person’s eyes, stimulate the release of oxytocin in men and women.
Withdrawal from oxytocin after social loss  leads to the depressive side effects.
Oxytocin is the same hormone responsible for the kind of bonding a mother has to their newborn.
However,it’s not all gloom and doom for those who are single.Having a good network of friends can have many of the same positive effects as being in a relationship. See more -

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

কিছু খাবারের তালীকা,যা কিছু রোগের খুব উপকারী


ঢেঁড়স হাঁপানী রোগে খুব উপকারী। প্রাচীন হারবাল চিকিৎসায় হাঁপানি রোগ সারাতে ঢেঁড়সকে ঔষধ হিসেবে ব্যবহারা করা হয়েছে। ঢেঁড়স বীজের তেল শ্বাসকষ্ট কমাতে পারে।

•কোলেস্টেরল দূর করে
•বেগুন ক্যান্সার প্রতিষেধক
•রক্তশুন্যতা প্রতিরোধ করে
•মুখের ঘা দূর করে
•ক্ষতস্থান শুকাতে সাহায্য করে
•কোষ্ঠকাঠিন্য দূর করে
বেগুনের আয়ুর্বেদিক ব্যবহারঃ
•বেগুন অনিদ্রা রোগ দূর করে
•কচি ও শাসালো বেগুন খেলে জ্বর সারে।
•বেগুনের রসে মধু মিশিয়ে খেলে কফজনিত রোগ দূর হয়
•এ্যাসিডিটির সমস্যা থাকলে বেগুনে উপশম হয়

মাশরুম ও আঁশযুক্ত সবজি
•মাশরুমে এডিনোসিন থাকাতে এটি ডেঙ্গু জ্বরের প্রতিরোধক হিসেবেও কাজ করে
•গর্ভবতী মাকে নিয়ম করে মাশরুম খেতে দিন, এতে প্রাকৃতিকভাবেই নবজাতকের রোগ প্রতিরোধ ক্ষমতা বৃদ্ধি পাবে
•মাশরুমের লিংকজাই-৮ নামক উপাদানটি হেপাটাইটিস-বি জন্ডিসের প্রতিরোধক
•মাশরুমে চর্বি ও শর্করা থাকে পরিমাণে কম এবং আঁশ থাকে বেশি, তাই ডায়াবেটিসের রোগীদের জন্য উপকারী
•নিয়মিত মাশরুম খেলে হৃদ্রোগ ও উচ্চ রক্তচাপের মতো রোগগুলো এড়ানো যায়


•দৈনিক এক কাপ কফি পানে আপনার দৃষ্টিশক্তির সুরক্ষা অনেকটাই নিশ্চিত করে
•বার্ধক্য ও ডায়াবেটিসের কারণে সম্ভাব্য অন্ধত্ব প্রতিরোধ করতে সাহায্য

•বেল মুখের ব্রণ সারাতে সাহায্য করে
•কাঁচা বেল ডায়রিয়া ও আমাশয় রোগে ধন্বন্তরী ওষুধ হিসেবে বিবেচিত
•বেলে আছে প্রচুর পরিমাণে ভিটামিন সি, ভিটামিন এ, ক্যালসিয়াম, ফসফরাস ও পটাসিয়াম

Monday, March 14, 2016




A team of neuroscientist and Software developers have created a way for you to watch your own brain in action – to literally watch your thoughts flash before your eyes.
The new system incorporates brain scanning, brain recording and virtual reality systems to take you into a journey into your own brain in real-time.
The system was  developed by computational neuroscientist Christian Kothe and Tim Mullen of the University of California San Diego, inconjuction with Adam Gazzaley a neuroscientist at the University of California San Francisco, using a virtual reality headset from the Oculus Rift gaming company.
Gazzaley said, “We’ve never been able to step inside the structures of the brain and see it in this way. it’s bio-feedback on the next level.”

In the demo, Yvette, wife of Phillip Rosedale – creator of the virtual reality game ‘Second Life’, was strapped with a cap studded with EEG electrodes that measure difference is electric potential to record brain activity. An MRI – Magnetic Resonance Image – of her brain was also previously taken to reveal the complex neural structures.
Rosedale then wore a pair of virtual reality headsets in which he could explore his wife’s brain in 3D as flashes of her thoughts got feed from the EEG. An audience watched what he saw through a  big screen projection.
It was not possible to tell what Yvette was actually thinking but the EEG signals merely painted a picture of her brain activity more broadly. It is hoped that with further study, researchers could get close to decoding brain signals and displaying them on Virtual Reality Systems.
Being able to watch your brain in action is not only exciting but has tremendous therapeutic potential in helping traumatic brain injury patients visualize how their injury has affected their brain function and perhaps learn to go round the problem.
The designers of the system visualize a day when people will be able to interact with other people in a deeper way that mirrors their inner state of thinking and thought life.

শরীরে কোনো বস্তু ঢুকে রক্তপাত

শরীরে কোনো বস্তু ঢুকে রক্তপাত হলে যা করবেন—
•   ক্ষতস্থানের দুই পাশ চেপে ধরুন (তবে ক্ষতস্থানের ওপর চাপ দেবেন না)।
•   ক্ষতস্থান ও বস্তুটির ওপর আলতো করে গজ বা কাপড় মুড়িয়ে দিন।
•   বস্তুটির চারদিকে ক্ষতস্থানের ওপর প্যাড ব্যবহার করে ব্যান্ডেজ বাঁধুন। ক্ষতস্থান থেকে বস্তুটি তুলে ফেলার চেষ্টা করবেন না।
•   হাত বা পায়ের ক্ষেৎরে ক্ষত অঙ্গ উঁচু করে ধরুন।
•   যদি মনে হয়, আঘাতপ্রাপ্ত অঙ্গের হাড় ভেঙে গেছে; তাহলে অঙ্গটি নড়াচড়া বন্ধ রাখার ব্যবস্থা করুন।
•   হাত বা পায়ের ক্ষেৎরে ঘন ঘন আঙুল ও পায়ের পাতা উষ্ণ আছে কিনা পরীক্ষা করুন।

Sunday, March 13, 2016



What could two lovebirds gazing at each others eyes or attracted to each other’s body mean. A study has revealed that gazing at each others eyes indicates romantic love, while gazing at each others body indicates feelings of sexual desire.
Lead study author Stephanie Cacioppo, director of the University of Chicago High-Performance Electrical Neuro-imaging Laboratory, said in a statement that these telling glances can last in such a short time as half a second.
Cacioppo said that although little was known in terms of the science of first love, these eye gestures could provide the first clues towards unravelling this mystery and help use distinguish between feelings of love and feelings of desire towards strangers.
Cacioppo and her colleagues published a review in 2012 in the journal of sexual medicine that stated that feelings of romantic love and sexual desire activate different areas of the brain.
This new study was to examine whether researchers could identify feelings of love or lust based solely on eye tracking data.
In the first part of the study, 16 heterosexual students were shown 120 black and white pictures of heterosexual couples interacting with each other. In the second part, they were shown 40 pictures of attractive people of the opposite gender. The researchers did not use nude or erotic pictures on the participants.
In both cases, the researchers had to quickly report whether they felt feelings of love or lust after they looked at the pictures. Glances of love or lust took the same amount of time, indicating to the researchers that the brain takes approximately the same amount of time to process the same information.
However, analysis on eye tracking data revealed that those who looked at the people faces reported feelings of romantic love, while those who looked at their bodies reported feelings of sexual desire. This was the same for both men and women.
Eye tracking paradigm may open up new avenues for diagnosis for psychiatrists and clinicians and couple therapy said Co-author John Cacioppo, professor and director of the Center for Cognitive and Social Neuroscience at the University of Chicago.more dr able able of Bangladesh. More see-